Cold Brew

 Cold brew coffee is a refreshing and smooth alternative to traditional hot coffee. Learn how to make your own cold brew at home and discover the best tips and techniques for preparing this delicious beverage.

pitcher of iced coffee

Cold Brew is different than hot coffee that has been cooled.  This is made by adding coffee grinds and water that is either cold or room temperature together and letting it set in the fridge for about twenty-four hours.  This is kind of like the crock pot method of coffee because you "set it and forget it", you won't be able to enjoy it immediately.  This makes a different cup of coffee because it results in less acidity.  Many people will notice that it naturally is sweeter and smoother.  When it is time to enjoy it you can pour it through a filter.  Another option is when you begin making it you put the grinds in a cheesecloth bag like the kind used to make almond milk.  You can just take the bag out and toss the grinds and wash the bag for your next use.  Cold brew is great when you want some coffee cold, but don't want to water it down with melting ice.  Although if that is an issue, you can always pour some coffee into an ice tray to make coffee ice.  I like cold brew to mix with some powdered pre-workout supplements to make my own blend instead of spending money at GNC.  People that have a stomach that is sensitive to coffee may be able to tolerate a cold brew.  If you like java, but your gut doesn't, give this method a go.  Another benefit to this method is, when there is some made, you do not have to wait for it to brew and it requires no additional time to cool down.  A final thought on the cold brew is that all you need is a pitcher to make it in and a filtration method, making this possibly the cheapest technique to try.

One example of a cold brew implementation is the Kitchenaid one.

Please share how and when you like to enjoy cold brew coffee in a comment below


  1. I am so happy that I found your blog! You provide great information. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I really enjoy cold brew coffee during the summer months. It is really refreshing, and it helps relax me after a very long day.

    1. My wife will sometimes add a little caramel and condensed milk, all over ice. If you haven't tried that I recommend giving that a go for a really refreshing summer drink. I appreciate your comment, thank you


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