Why Drink Coffee?

coffee beans spread out near a cup

Why Drink Coffee?

One of the problems I have been noticing is a collection of studies that all seem to contradict each other.  I remember reading about how bad coffee is for you and then another one that discusses the health benefits.  So which is it?  Should I drink it or not?  Not being a scientist I really am not qualified to give a definitive answer, but being armed with some amount of common sense, I can tell you that most of the contradictions are based on flawed studies.  If we look at a population that drinks a pot of coffee to stay awake because they are up all night, then notice that they are on average less healthy than those that get a good night of rest.   It would be easy to conclude that coffee is contributing to this disparity if you fail to consider the difference in lifestyle.  Some of the studies that are more favorable to coffee take this into account for more of an apples-to-apples comparison.

Benefits of Coffee

1. Coffee helps to improve focus and gives you energy.  It blocks certain neurotransmitters that cause a chain reaction helping to make you less tired.

2. Coffee helps you burn fat.  Coffee is thermogenic which means it speeds up your metabolism.  Be aware that this doesn't really work long term because you develop resistance to this.  If you purchase many pre-workout formulas, coffee is almost always one of the active ingredients with instructions on how to cycle it.

3. Coffee helps to reduce your risk of too many things to list.  Among the stuff, we can avoid are Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancers, and depression.  Coffee is a good source of polyphenols and other antioxidants which contribute to much of this.  These benefits are not related to caffeine, so you could sip some decaf and still take advantage of this.

Drawbacks of coffee

Most of the downside to coffee really comes from how it is prepared.  The things that are often added to coffee such as milk and sweeteners are more often than not the culprits.  Also, some preparation methods such as the french press do not filter out oils which can lead to health problems as well.  These are not necessarily a reason to not enjoy, but do so in moderation and ensure you are an educated consumer.  Additionally, some concerns have been linked to drinking liquids over 149° F.  Coffee can leave you jittery and lead to short-term sleep issues.  Coffee also can lead to withdrawal symptoms if you are accustomed to it and try to quit, but generally, it is only a headache and will cease after just a few days.

Are you a coffee drinker?  If so, what are your thoughts on drinking coffee? Leave a comment below, and let me know what you think.

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  1. I have seen both the benefits, and drawbacks of drinking coffee. I am definitely a coffee drinker. A few years back I decided to start drinking my coffee black. I enjoy a cup in the morning, and some evenings I enjoy a nice latte. Thank you for sharing the benefits of drinking coffee.

    1. Now that you are drinking your coffee black you can really start to explore the wonderful flavors without anything getting in your way. I do make it a point not to judge those who prefer additives, but it does mask some of the best parts of coffee. I reserve the cream and sugar for terrible coffees. Thank you for commenting

  2. I've actually been mostly a tea drinker, although I have always loved the smell of coffee. A few years ago, I got introduced to a Nespresso machine" back. Completely converted, but still only drink one cup a day.

    1. I never really did drink much tea, I think it is a cultural thing. Coffee on average has about three times as much caffeine as tea though. I tend to drink decaf if I have any in the evening so that I can still have more coffee without staying up all night. I hope you are able to increase your enjoyment of coffee through my blog, thanks for the comment.

  3. Your point about Coffee Burns Fat, it makes me want to go buy coffee now. I'm a tea person and never liked coffee. It's to read positive things about coffee.

    1. I would recommend some African coffees. Kenyan and Ethiopians tend to have complex fruity undertones that tea drinkers may enjoy. My wife claims yirgacheffe as one of her favorites. You may be able to find a package of it in your local grocery store. You don't have to special order coffee to get reasonably good products. I love helping other people enjoy coffee more, hopefully I can help win you over. Thanks for your comment

  4. I do drink coffee at home, mostly at home actually. I have a lot of find finding various beans and doing it all myself. I can actually make some copy cats of what you can get in coffee shop with easy

    1. I think that is what makes coffee so enjoyable, it is very much a personal journey to find what you like the most. Thank you for your comment

  5. I've found a coffee company called Black Rifle Coffee, and I'm hooked. They have a really dark, angry-looking blend called Murdered Out that is my favorite. It looks like it should taste violently burnt, but it is a perfect dark roast. My favorite part about this is that I don't need a bunch of stuff like sweeteners or cream added to it. It is quite tasty just black. I generally drink a cup each day when I'm sitting down to work, and it helps put me in that "work mode" and focus. I hadn't really considered benefits or drawbacks to it. It is simply the thing to do as I'm going into my office to work. I also didn't know there were drawbacks to using a French press. That's good information to know! Because that is generally my go-to brewing method.

    1. I have heard of Black Rifle, I just haven't gotten to trying their products yet. I will definitely be adding them to my list. The oils that get absorbed by paper filters make the french press both good and bad. As I said it can contribute to cholesterol, but it also makes for a different mouth feel which many people do prefer. Coffee is absolutely part of office culture in many places. I hope you keep enjoying your caffeine fix and thanks for leaving a comment.

  6. I am definitely a coffee drinker. Honestly, the real reason that I drink it is because I enjoy the taste of it and it gives me energy - but when you break down the benefits vs the drawbacks, that's just another reason to give into my love of it!

    1. I can empathize with your feelings toward coffee. I enjoy it either way, but the benefits just help to justify it. Keep enjoying the coffee and thanks for your comment

  7. I don‘t generally drink coffee, so reading these benefits was really interesting for me. Unfortunately, I like it best as coffee ice cream, which is much more unhealthy than having it as a drink.

    1. I really enjoy the taste of coffee, it is my happy place. For that reason I can also enjoy coffee ice cream without worrying about if it is healthy. I would recommend you take a look at my recipe for coffee float at https://homebrewedcoffee101.blogspot.com/2020/03/coffee-float.html
      I appreciate your comment, thank you.


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