Now that's some good quality H2O
To make a great cup of coffee, the quality of the water you use is just as important as the beans. Learn about the importance of water in coffee making and how to optimize your coffee preparation for the best taste. Most of us don't often think much about water, but when making coffee you must realize that more than 98% of the stuff in your cup IS water. The first thing to NOT do is simply use tap water. Please for the love of coffee, at least use a filter if you aren't using bottled water. The next thing to avoid is using distilled water. I know that sounds a little funny since first I am saying to use purified water, but then don't use ultra-purified water. The distilled water is completely devoid of minerals which would help the water to absorb some of the coffee content. Also, it can damage your expensive electronic equipment because it will leach minerals out of the metal parts. The best ...